Learn, Serve, Lead, and Succeed
To celebrate our community during Catholic Schools Week, the Lower Mills Campus embarked on a Service Project to highlight the theme of Learn, Serve, Lead, and Succeed. We decided that we would like to support Boston Children’s Hospital, particularly children and families who are staying multiple days or months to receive care. We were so proud to collect over 150 pairs of pajamas from our staff and Lower Mills school community. Five middle school students (Joby Frejuste, Sanai-Love Brandao, Linh Le, Jaylen Wright and Nevaeh Gay) accompanied Principal Warshafsky to deliver the pajama donation to The Hale Center for Families at Boston Children’s Hospital. During our visit, Child Life Specialists met with our students to explain the powerful impact the pajamas will have and share some data about the hospital. We learned that 100% of beds at Boston Children’s Hospital have been at capacity since January 2018 and an average of an 88% occupancy rate since 2004 in their three private housing locations, serving over 18,000 families. We were blessed to be joined by our amazing partners, the Corey C. Griffin Foundation, who were so generous to match our pajama donation and join us for the afternoon at Boston Children’s Hospital. Thank you to all of the Lower Mills families for their support of this project, we showcased our amazing #commUNITY!